""" Class definition for Items in our recommender systems - can represent anything
ranging from disease to consumer goods
import trecs.matrix_ops as mo
from trecs.base import Component
[docs]class Items(Component): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
Items components in the system.
Items are the objects with which users interact with models and with each other.
It inherits from :class:`~.base_components.Component` and it contains all the
attributes of that class. We support both numpy arrays or scipy sparse matrices
being used for the item representation.
The Items class does not specify any constraints on items. It is used
internally in :class:`~models.recommender.BaseRecommender`.
item_attributes: array_like, optional
Representation of items. It expects an array_like object. If None, the
representation is generated randomly using a binomial distribution (see
:class:`~base.base_components.Component` for details). At least one of
`item_attributes` or `size` must be supplied.
size: tuple, optional
Size of the item representation. It expects a tuple. At least one of
`item_attributes` or `size` must be supplied.
verbose: bool, default False
If True, it enables verbose mode.
seed: int, optional
Seed for underlying random generator.
Attributes from Component
Inherited from :class:`~base.base_components.Component`
name: str
Name of the component
def __init__(self, item_attributes=None, size=None, verbose=False, seed=None, name="items"):
self.name = name
self, current_state=item_attributes, size=size, verbose=verbose, seed=seed
[docs] def append_new_items(self, new_items):
Appends a set of new items (represented as some kind of matrix) to the current
set of items. Assumes the new items have dimension :math:`|A|\\times|I_{new}|`,
where :math:`I_{new}` indicates the number of new items to be appended.
self.current_state = mo.hstack([self.current_state, new_items])
def num_attrs(self):
Shortcut getter method for the number of attributes of the items.
# rows = attributes, cols = items
return self.current_state.shape[0]
def num_items(self):
Shortcut getter method for the number of items.
# rows = attributes, cols = items
return self.current_state.shape[1]
[docs]class PredictedItems(Items): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
This component represents the item attributes, as predicted by the
recommender system. The only difference between the two is the intended
purpose - all functionality is identical to the Items class
and therefore PredictedItems inherits from it.
item_attributes: array_like, optional
Representation of items. It expects an array_like object. If None, the
representation is generated randomly using a binomial distribution (see
:class:`~base.base_components.Component` for details). At least one of
`item_attributes` or `size` must be supplied.
size: tuple, optional
Size of the item representation. It expects a tuple. At least one of
`item_attributes` or `size` must be supplied.
verbose: bool, default False
If True, it enables verbose mode.
seed: int, optional
Seed for underlying random generator.
Attributes from Item
Inherited by :class:`~.items.Items`
name: str
Name of the component
def __init__(self, item_attributes=None, size=None, verbose=False, seed=None):