Source code for models.bass

Bass Model for modeling the spread of infection. This can be applied to studying
virality in online communications.
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import trecs.matrix_ops as mo
from trecs.components import BinarySocialGraph
from trecs.base import Component
from trecs.random import Generator, SocialGraphGenerator
from trecs.metrics import StructuralVirality
from trecs.utils import (
from trecs.validate import validate_user_item_inputs
from .recommender import BaseRecommender

[docs]class InfectionState(Component): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Component that tracks infection state, which is a binary array with an element recording whether each user is infected """ def __init__(self, infection_state=None, verbose=False): = "infection_state" Component.__init__( self, current_state=infection_state, size=None, verbose=verbose, seed=None ) @property def num_infected(self): """ Return number of infected users. """ return (self.value == 1).sum()
[docs] def recovered_users(self): """ Return indices of users who have recovered (and are no longer susceptible to infection). Returns -------- indices: tuple The first element of the tuple returned is a numpy array with the row indices (i.e., user indices) of those recovered, and the second element is a numpy array of the column indices (i.e., item indices) """ return np.where(self.value == -1)
[docs] def infected_users(self): """ Return indices of users who are currently infected and not recovered. Returns -------- indices: tuple The first element of the tuple returned is a numpy array with the row indices (i.e., user indices) of those infected, and the second element is a numpy array of the column indices (i.e., item indices) """ return np.where(self.value == 1)
[docs] def infect_users(self, user_indices, item_indices): """ Update infection state with users who have become newly infected. """ recovered_users = self.recovered_users() currently_infected = self.infected_users() # infect new users self.current_state[user_indices, item_indices] = 1 # remove already infected individuals self.current_state[recovered_users] = -1 self.current_state[currently_infected] = -1
[docs]class InfectionThresholds(Component): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Component that tracks infection thresholds, where each user has their own threshold for infection """ def __init__(self, infection_thresholds=None, verbose=False): = "infection_thresholds" Component.__init__( self, current_state=infection_thresholds, size=None, verbose=verbose, seed=None, )
[docs]class BassModel(BaseRecommender, BinarySocialGraph): """ Bass model that, for now, only supports one item at a time. In this model, individuals are "infected" by an item, and then infect their susceptible (i.e., not yet "infected") contacts independently with a given infection probability. Contacts between users are modeled with an adjacency graph that is :math:`|U|\\times|U|`. The model stores state about which users are infected with :math:`|U|\\times|I|` matrix, where :math:`|I|` is the number of items (currently, this is always equal to 1). Parameters ----------- num_users: int, default 100 The number of users :math:`|U|` in the system. num_items: int, default 1250 The number of items :math:`|I|` in the system. infection_state: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Component that tracks infection state, which is a binary (0/1) array with an element recording whether each user is infected. Should be of dimension :math:`|U|\\times|I|`. infection_thresholds: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Component that tracks infection thresholds for each user. Should be of dimension :math:`1\\times|U|`. user_representation: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional A :math:`|U|\\times|A|` matrix representing the similarity between each item and attribute, as interpreted by the system. item_representation: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional A :math:`|A|\\times|I|` matrix representing the similarity between each item and attribute. actual_user_representation: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or \ :class:`~components.users.Users`, optional Either a :math:`|U|\\times|T|` matrix representing the real user profiles, where :math:`T` is the number of attributes in the real underlying user profile, or a `Users` object that contains the real user profiles or real user-item scores. This matrix is **not** used for recommendations. This is only kept for measurements and the system is unaware of it. actual_item_representation: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional A :math:`|T|\\times|I|` matrix representing the real user profiles, where :math:`T` is the number of attributes in the real underlying item profile. This matrix is **not** used for recommendations. This is only kept for measurements and the system is unaware of it. num_items_per_iter: int, default 10 Number of items presented to the user per iteration. seed: int, optional Seed for random generator. Attributes ----------- Inherited from BaseRecommender: :class:`~models.recommender.BaseRecommender` """ def __init__( # pylint: disable-all self, num_users=None, num_items=None, infection_state=None, infection_thresholds=None, item_representation=None, user_representation=None, actual_user_representation=None, actual_item_representation=None, measurements=None, num_items_per_iter=1, seed=None, **kwargs ): default_num_users = 100 default_num_items = 1 num_users, num_items = validate_user_item_inputs( num_users, num_items, user_representation, item_representation, actual_user_representation, actual_item_representation, attributes_must_match=False, ) if not is_array_valid_or_none(infection_state, ndim=2): raise TypeError("infection_state is invalid") if not is_array_valid_or_none(infection_thresholds, ndim=2): raise ValueError("infection_thresholds is invalid") # we need to separately check infection_state, which should have # dimensions |U| x |I| num_user_vals = non_none_values(getattr(infection_state, "shape", [None])[0], num_users) num_users = resolve_set_to_value( num_user_vals, default_num_users, "Number of users is not the same across inputs" ) num_item_vals = non_none_values( getattr(infection_state, "shape", [None, None])[1], num_items ) num_items = resolve_set_to_value( num_item_vals, default_num_items, "Number of items is not the same across inputs" ) generator = Generator(seed) if item_representation is None: item_representation = generator.uniform(size=(1, num_items)) # if the actual item representation is not specified, we assume # that the recommender system's beliefs about the item attributes # are the same as the "true" item attributes if actual_item_representation is None: actual_item_representation = item_representation.copy() if user_representation is None: user_representation = SocialGraphGenerator.generate_random_graph( num=num_users, p=0.3, seed=seed, graph_type=nx.fast_gnp_random_graph ) if actual_user_representation is None: actual_user_representation = np.zeros(num_users).reshape((-1, 1)) # Define infection_state if infection_state is None: infection_state = np.zeros((num_users, num_items)) infected_users = generator.integers(num_users) infectious_items = generator.integers(num_items) infection_state[infected_users, infectious_items] = 1 self.infection_state = infection_state if not all_besides_none_equal( getattr(user_representation, "shape", [None])[0], getattr(user_representation, "shape", [None, None])[1], ): raise ValueError("user_representation should be a square matrix") if not all_besides_none_equal( getattr(user_representation, "shape", [None])[0], getattr(infection_state, "shape", [None])[0], ): raise ValueError( "user_representation and infection_state should be of " + "same size on dimension 0" ) if not all_besides_none_equal( getattr(item_representation, "shape", [None, None])[1], getattr(infection_state, "shape", [None, None])[1], ): raise ValueError( "item_representation and infection_state should be of " + "same size on dimension 1" ) if infection_thresholds is None: infection_thresholds = abs(generator.uniform(size=(1, num_users))) self.infection_state = InfectionState(infection_state) self.infection_thresholds = InfectionThresholds(infection_thresholds) if measurements is None: measurements = [StructuralVirality()] system_state = [self.infection_state] # Initialize recommender system # NOTE: Forcing to 1 item per iteration num_items_per_iter = 1 BaseRecommender.__init__( self, user_representation, item_representation, actual_user_representation, actual_item_representation, num_users, num_items, num_items_per_iter, measurements=measurements, system_state=system_state, seed=seed, score_fn=self.infection_probabilities, **kwargs ) def _update_internal_state(self, interactions): """ Private function that updates user profiles with data from latest interactions. Specifically, this function converts interactions into item attributes. For example, if user :math:`u` has interacted with item :math:`i`, then item :math:`i`'s attributes will be updated to increase the similarity between :math:`u` and :math:`i`. Parameters ------------ interactions: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` An array of item indices that users have interacted with in the latest step. Namely, :math:`\\text{interactions}_u` represents the index of the item that the user :math:`u` has interacted with. """ # fetch infection probabilities for each user infection_probabilities = self.predicted_scores.filter_by_index(interactions.reshape(-1, 1)) # flatten to 1D infection_probabilities = infection_probabilities.reshape(self.num_users) # independent infections infection_trials = self.random_state.binomial(1, p=infection_probabilities) newly_infected_users = np.where(infection_trials == 1)[0] self.infection_state.infect_users(newly_infected_users, interactions[newly_infected_users])
[docs] def infection_probabilities(self, user_profiles, item_attributes): """ Calculates the infection probabilities for each user at the current timestep. Parameters ------------ user_profiles: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix` First factor of the dot product, which should provide a representation of users. item_attributes: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`scipy.sparse.spmatrix` Second factor of the dot product, which should provide a representation of items. """ # This formula comes from Goel et al., The Structural Virality of Online Diffusion infection_state = self.infection_state.value.copy() recovered_users = self.infection_state.recovered_users() infection_state[recovered_users] = 0 # make all recovered users 0 instead of -1 dot_product = * np.log(1 - mo.to_dense(item_attributes))) # Probability of being infected at the current iteration predicted_scores = 1 - np.exp(dot_product) predicted_scores[recovered_users] = 0 # recovered users cannot be infected return predicted_scores
[docs] def run( self, timesteps="until_completion", startup=False, train_between_steps=True, ): """ Overrides run method of parent class :class:`Recommender`, so that ``repeated_items`` defaults to ``True`` in Bass models. Parameters ------------ timestep: int, optional Number of timesteps for simulation startup: bool, default False If True, it runs the simulation in startup mode (see recommend() and startup_and_train()) train_between_steps: bool, default True If True, the model is retrained after each step with the information gathered in the previous step. repeated_items: bool, default True If True, repeated items are allowed in the system -- that is, users can interact with the same item more than once. Examples of common instances in which this is useful: infection and network propagation models. """ # option to run until cascade completes if timesteps == "until_completion": num_infected = 1 while num_infected > 0: self, startup=startup, train_between_steps=train_between_steps, repeated_items=True, disable_tqdm=True, ) num_infected = self.infection_state.num_infected else: self, timesteps=timesteps, startup=startup, train_between_steps=train_between_steps, repeated_items=True, )
[docs] def draw_diffusion_tree(self): """Draw diffusion tree using matplotlib""" for metric in self.metrics: if hasattr(metric, "draw_tree"): metric.draw_tree()
[docs] def get_structural_virality(self): """Return the value of the structural virality metric""" for metric in self.metrics: if hasattr(metric, "get_structural_virality"): return metric.get_structural_virality() raise ValueError("Structural virality metric undefined")