Source code for models.recommender

BaseRecommender, the foundational class for all recommender systems
implementable in our simulation library
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from tqdm import tqdm
from trecs.metrics import MeasurementModule
from trecs.base import SystemStateModule
from trecs.components import (
from trecs.logging import VerboseMode
import trecs.matrix_ops as mo
from trecs.random import Generator
from trecs.utils import is_valid_or_none

[docs]class BaseRecommender(MeasurementModule, SystemStateModule, VerboseMode, ABC): """Abstract class representing a recommender system. The attributes and methods in this class can be generalized beyond recommender systems and are currently common to all pre-loaded models. Parameters ----------- users_hat: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` An array representing users. The shape and meaning depends on the implementation of the concrete class. items_hat: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` An array representing items. The shape and meaning depends on the implementation of the concrete class. users: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`~components.users.Users` An array representing real user preferences unknown to the system. Shape is :math:`|U| \\times |A|`, where :math:`|A|` is the number of attributes and :math:`|U|` is the number of users. When a `numpy.ndarray` is passed in, we assume this represents the user *scores*, not the users' actual attribute vectors. items: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`~components.items.Items` An array representing real item attributes unknown to the system. Shape is :math:`|A|\\times|I|`, where :math:`|I|` is the number of items and :math:`|A|` is the number of attributes. num_users: int The number of users in the system. num_items: int The number of items in the system. num_items_per_iter: int Number of items presented to the user at each iteration. measurements: list List of metrics to monitor. record_base_state: bool (optional, default: False) If True, the system will record at each time step its internal representation of users profiles and item profiles, as well as the true user profiles and item profiles. It will also record the predicted user-item scores at each time step. system_state: list List of system state components to monitor. score_fn: callable Function that is used to calculate each user's predicted scores for each candidate item. The score function should take as input user_profiles and item_attributes. verbose: bool (optional, default: False) If True, it enables verbose mode. seed: int, optional Seed for random generator used Attributes ----------- users_hat: :class:`~components.users.PredictedUserProfiles` An array representing users, matching user_representation. The shape and meaning depends on the implementation of the concrete class. items_hat: :class:`~components.items.Items` An array representing items, matching item_representation. The shape and meaning depends on the implementation of the concrete class. users: :class:`~components.users.Users` An array representing real user preferences. Shape should be :math:`|U| \\times |A|`, and should match items. items: :class:`~components.items.Items` An array representing actual item attributes. Shape should be :math:`|A| \\times |I|`, and should match users. predicted_scores: :class:`~components.users.PredictedScores` An array representing the user preferences as perceived by the system. The shape is always :math:`|U| \\times |I|`, where :math:`|U|` is the number of users in the system and :math:`|I|` is the number of items in the system. The scores are calculated with the dot product of :attr:`users_hat` and :attr:`items_hat`. num_users: int The number of users in the system. num_items: int The number of items in the system. num_items_per_iter: int or str Number of items presented to the user per iteration. If `"all"`, then the system will serve recommendations from the set of all items in the system. probabilistic_recommendations: bool (optional, default: False) When this flag is set to ``True``, the recommendations (excluding any random interleaving) will be randomized, meaning that items will be recommended with a probability proportionate to their predicted score, rather than the top `k` items, as ranked by their predicted score, being recommended. random_state: :class:`trecs.random.generators.Generator` indices: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` A :math:`|U| \\times |I|` array representing the past interactions of each user. This keeps track of which items each user has interacted with, so that it won't be presented to the user again if `repeated_items` are not allowed. items_shown: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` A :math:`|U| \\times \\text{num_items_per_iter}` array representing the indices of the items that each user was shown (i.e., their recommendations) from the most recent timestep. interactions: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` A :math:`|U| \\times 1` array representing the indices of the items that each user interacted with at the most recent time step. score_fn: callable Function that is used to calculate each user's predicted scores for each candidate item. The score function should take as input ``user_profiles`` and ``item_attributes``. interleaving_fn: callable Function that is used to determine the indices of items that will be interleaved into the recommender system's recommendations. The interleaving function should take as input an integer ``k`` (representing the number of items to be interleaved in every recommendation set) and a matrix ``item_indices`` (representing which items are eligible to be interleaved). The function should return a :math:`|U|\\times k` matrix representing the interleaved items for each user. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods # The recommender system model contains everything needed to run the simulation, # so many instance attributes are justified in this case. @abstractmethod def __init__( # pylint: disable=R0913,R0912,R0915 self, users_hat, items_hat, users, items, num_users, num_items, num_items_per_iter, creators=None, probabilistic_recommendations=False, measurements=None, record_base_state=False, system_state=None, score_fn=mo.inner_product, interleaving_fn=None, verbose=False, seed=None, ): # Init logger VerboseMode.__init__(self, __name__.upper(), verbose) # Initialize measurements MeasurementModule.__init__(self) # init the recommender system's internal representation of users # and items self.users_hat = PredictedUserProfiles(users_hat) self.items_hat = PredictedItems(items_hat) if not callable(score_fn): # score function must be a function raise TypeError("Custom score function must be a callable method") self.score_fn = score_fn if interleaving_fn and not callable(interleaving_fn): # interleaving function must be callable raise TypeError("Custom interleaving function must be a callable method") self.interleaving_fn = interleaving_fn # set predicted scores self.predicted_scores = None self.train() # determine whether recommendations should be randomized, rather than # top-k by predicted score self.probabilistic_recommendations = probabilistic_recommendations # these variables hold the indices of the items users were shown # and the indices of the items users interacted with at the most # recent timestep self.items_shown = np.empty((num_users, 0)) self.interactions = np.empty((num_users, 0)) if not is_valid_or_none(num_users, int): raise TypeError("num_users must be an int") if not is_valid_or_none(num_items, int): raise TypeError("num_items must be an int") if not is_valid_or_none(num_items_per_iter, (str, int)): raise TypeError("num_items_per_iter must be an int or string 'all'") if isinstance(num_items_per_iter, int) and num_items_per_iter < 1: # check number of items per iteration is positive raise ValueError("num_items_per_iter must be greater than zero") if not hasattr(self, "metrics"): raise ValueError("You must define at least one measurement module") # check users array if not is_valid_or_none(users, (list, np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix, Users)): raise TypeError("users must be array_like or Users") if users is None: shape = (self.users_hat.num_users, self.users_hat.num_attrs) self.users = Users(size=shape, num_users=num_users, seed=seed) if isinstance(users, (list, np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix)): # assume that's what passed in is the user's profiles self.users = Users(actual_user_profiles=users, num_users=num_users) if isinstance(users, Users): self.users = users # check items array if not is_valid_or_none(items, (list, np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix, Items)): raise TypeError("items must be array_like or Items") if items is None: raise ValueError("true item attributes can't be None") if isinstance(items, (list, np.ndarray, sp.spmatrix)): self.items = Items(items) if isinstance(items, Items): self.items = items if isinstance(creators, Creators): self.creators = creators else: self.creators = None # system state SystemStateModule.__init__(self) if record_base_state: self.add_state_variable( self.users_hat, self.users, self.items_hat, self.predicted_scores, ) if self.creators is not None: self.add_state_variable(self.creators) if system_state is not None: self.add_state_variable(*system_state) self.initialize_user_scores() self.num_users = num_users self.num_items = num_items self.set_num_items_per_iter(num_items_per_iter) self.random_state = Generator(seed) # Matrix keeping track of the items consumed by each user self.indices = np.tile(np.arange(num_items), (num_users, 1)) # initial metrics measurements (done at the end # when the rest of the initial state has been initialized) if measurements is not None: self.add_metrics(*measurements) if self.is_verbose(): self.log("Recommender system ready") self.log(f"Num items: {self.num_items}") self.log(f"Users: {self.num_users}") self.log(f"Items per iter: {self.num_items_per_iter}") if seed is not None: self.log(f"Set seed to {seed}") else: self.log("Seed was not set.") @property def predicted_user_profiles(self): """ Property that is an alias for the matrix representation of predicted user profiles. Returns a matrix of dimension :math:`|U|\\times|\\hat{A}|`, where :math:`|\\hat{A}|` is the number of attributes that the algorithm uses to represent each item and user. """ return self.users_hat.value @property def predicted_item_attributes(self): """ Property that is an alias for the matrix representation of predicted item attributes. Returns a matrix of dimension :math:`|\\hat{A}|\\times|I|`, where :math:`|\\hat{A}|` is the number of attributes that the algorithm uses to represent each item and user. """ return self.items_hat.value @property def actual_user_profiles(self): """ Property that is an alias for the matrix representation of true user profiles. Returns a matrix of dimension :math:`|U|\\times|A^*|`, where :math:`|A^*|` is the number of attributes the "true" item/user representation has. """ return self.users.actual_user_profiles.value @property def actual_item_attributes(self): """ Property that is an alias for the matrix representation of actual item attributes. Returns a matrix of dimension :math:`|A^*|\\times|I|`, where :math:`|A^*|` is the number of attributes the "true" item representation has. """ return self.items.value @property def actual_user_item_scores(self): """ Property that is an alias for the matrix representation of the true user-item score matrix. Returns a matrix of dimension :math:`|U|\\times|I|`. """ return self.users.actual_user_scores.value @property def predicted_user_item_scores(self): """ Property that is an alias for the matrix representation of the RS algorithm's predicted user-item score matrix. Returns a matrix of dimension :math:`|U|\\times|I|`. """ return self.predicted_scores.value
[docs] def initialize_user_scores(self): """ If the Users object does not already have known user-item scores, then we calculate these scores. """ # users compute their own scores using the true item attributes, # unless their own scores are already known to them if self.users.get_actual_user_scores() is None: self.users.compute_user_scores(self.actual_item_attributes)
[docs] def train(self): """ Updates scores predicted by the system based on the internal state of the recommender system. Under default initialization, it updates :attr:`predicted_scores` with a dot product of user and item attributes. Returns -------- predicted_scores: :class:`~components.users.PredictedScores` """ predicted_scores = self.score_fn( self.predicted_user_profiles, self.predicted_item_attributes ) if self.is_verbose(): self.log( "System updates predicted scores given by users (rows) " "to items (columns):\n" f"{str(predicted_scores)}" ) if self.predicted_scores is None: self.predicted_scores = PredictedScores(predicted_scores) else: self.predicted_scores.value = predicted_scores
[docs] def generate_recommendations(self, k=1, item_indices=None): """ Generate recommendations for each user. Parameters ----------- k : int, default 1 Number of items to recommend. item_indices : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, optional A matrix containing the indices of the items each user has not yet interacted with. It is used to ensure that the user is presented with items they have not already interacted with. If `None`, then the user may be recommended items that they have already interacted with. Returns --------- Recommendations: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ if item_indices is not None: if item_indices.size < self.num_users: raise ValueError( "At least one user has interacted with all items!" "To avoid this problem, you may want to allow repeated items." ) if k > item_indices.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"There are not enough items left to recommend {k} items to each user." ) if k == 0: return np.array([]).reshape((self.num_users, 0)).astype(int) # convert to dense because scipy does not yet support argsort - consider # implementing our own fast sparse version? see # # -matrix-how-to-get-top-ten-values-and-indices s_filtered = mo.to_dense(self.predicted_scores.filter_by_index(item_indices)) row = np.repeat(self.users.user_vector, item_indices.shape[1]) row = row.reshape((self.num_users, -1)) if self.probabilistic_recommendations: permutation = s_filtered.argsort() rec = item_indices[row, permutation] # the recommended items will not be exactly determined by # predicted score; instead, we will sample from the sorted list # such that higher-preference items get more probability mass num_items_unseen = rec.shape[1] # number of items unseen per user probabilities = np.logspace(0.0, num_items_unseen / 10.0, num=num_items_unseen, base=2) probabilities = probabilities / probabilities.sum() picks = np.random.choice(num_items_unseen, k, replace=False, p=probabilities) return rec[:, picks] else: # returns top k indices, sorted from greatest to smallest sort_top_k = mo.top_k_indices(s_filtered, k, self.random_state) # convert top k indices into actual item IDs rec = item_indices[row[:, :k], sort_top_k] if self.is_verbose(): self.log(f"Item indices:\n{str(item_indices)}") self.log( f"Top-k items ordered by preference (high to low) for each user:\n{str(rec)}" ) return rec
[docs] def choose_interleaved_items(self, k, item_indices): """ Chooses k items out of the item set to "interleave" into the system's recommendations. In this case, we define "interleaving" as a process by which items can be inserted into the set of items shown to the user, in addition to the recommended items that maximize the predicted score. For example, users may want to insert random interleaved items to increase the "exploration" of the recommender system, or may want to ensure that new items are always interleaved into the item set shown to users. **NOTE**: Currently, there is no guarantee that items that are interleaved are distinct from the recommended items. We do guarantee that within the set of items interleaved for a particular user, there are no repeats. Parameters ----------- k : int Number of items that should be interleaved in the recommendation set for each user. item_indices : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Array that contains the valid item indices for each user; that is, the indices of items that they have not yet interacted with. Returns --------- interleaved_items: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` """ if self.interleaving_fn: return self.interleaving_fn(k, item_indices) if k == 0: return np.array([]).reshape((self.num_users, 0)).astype(int) # NOTE: there is currently no guarantee that randomly interleaved items do # not overlap with recommended items, since we do not have visibility # into the recommended set of items. we do guarantee that for every user, # items will not be repeated within the set of interleaved items. rand_item = self.random_state.random(item_indices.shape) top_k = rand_item.argpartition(-k)[:, -k:] row = np.repeat(self.users.user_vector, k).reshape((self.num_users, -1)) sort_top_k = rand_item[row, top_k].argsort() interleaved_items = item_indices[row, top_k[row, sort_top_k]] return interleaved_items
[docs] def recommend( self, startup=False, random_items_per_iter=0, vary_random_items_per_iter=False, repeated_items=True, ): """ Implements the recommendation process by combining recommendations and new (random) items. Parameters ----------- startup: bool, default False If True, the system is in "startup" (exploration) mode and only presents the user with new randomly chosen items. This is done to maximize exploration. random_items_per_iter: int, default 0 Number of per-user item recommendations that should be randomly generated. Passing in ``self.num_items_per_iter`` will result in all recommendations being randomly generated, while passing in ``0`` will result in all recommendations coming from predicted score. vary_random_items_per_iter: bool, default False If ``True``, then at each timestep, the # of items that are recommended randomly is itself randomly generated between 0 and ``random_items_per_iter``, inclusive. repeated_items : bool, default True If ``True``, repeated items are allowed in the system -- that is, users can interact with the same item more than once. Returns -------- Items: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` New and recommended items in random order. """ if random_items_per_iter > self.num_items_per_iter: raise ValueError( "Cannot show more random items per iteration than the total number" " of items shown per iteration" ) if startup: num_new_items = self.num_items_per_iter num_recommended = 0 else: num_new_items = random_items_per_iter if vary_random_items_per_iter: num_new_items = self.random_state.integers(0, random_items_per_iter + 1) num_recommended = self.num_items_per_iter - num_new_items item_indices = self.indices if not repeated_items: # for each user, eliminate items that have been interacted with item_indices = item_indices[np.where(item_indices >= 0)] item_indices = item_indices.reshape((self.num_users, -1)) recommended = self.generate_recommendations(k=num_recommended, item_indices=item_indices) if self.is_verbose(): self.log(f"Choice among {item_indices.shape[0]} items") if item_indices.shape[1] < num_new_items: self.log("Insufficient number of items left!") interleaved_items = self.choose_interleaved_items(num_new_items, item_indices) if num_new_items > 0: items = self.random_state.random((self.num_users, self.num_items_per_iter)) interleave_mask = np.zeros(items.shape).astype(bool) rand_col_idxs = items.argpartition(-num_new_items)[:, -num_new_items:] np.put_along_axis(interleave_mask, rand_col_idxs, True, axis=1) items[interleave_mask] = interleaved_items.flatten() items[~interleave_mask] = recommended.flatten() items = items.astype(int) else: items = recommended if self.is_verbose(): self.log("System picked these items (cols) for each user (rows):\n" + str(items)) return items
@abstractmethod def _update_internal_state(self, interactions): """ Updates user profiles based on last interaction. It must be defined in the concrete class. """
[docs] def process_new_items(self, new_items): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ Creates new item representations based on items that were just created. Must be defined in the concrete class. """ raise RuntimeError( "process_new_items not defined. Support for representing new" "items must be implemented by the user!" )
[docs] def process_new_users(self, new_users, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ Creates new user representations based on items that were just created. Must be defined in the concrete class. """ raise RuntimeError( "process_new_users not defined. Support for representing new" "users must be implemented by the user!" )
[docs] def run( self, timesteps=50, startup=False, train_between_steps=True, random_items_per_iter=0, vary_random_items_per_iter=False, repeated_items=True, no_new_items=False, disable_tqdm=False, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Runs simulation for the given timesteps. Parameters ----------- timestep : int, default 50 Number of timesteps for simulation. startup : bool, default False If ``True``, it runs the simulation in startup mode (see :func:`recommend` and :func:`startup_and_train`) train_between_steps : bool, default True If ``True``, the model is retrained after each timestep with the information gathered in the previous step. random_items_per_iter: int, default 0 Number of per-user item recommendations that should be randomly generated. Passing in ``self.num_items_per_iter`` will result in all recommendations being randomly generated, while passing in ``0`` will result in all recommendations coming from predicted scores. vary_random_items_per_iter: bool, default False If ``True``, then at each timestep, the # of items that are recommended randomly is itself randomly generated between 0 and ``random_items_per_iter``, inclusive. repeated_items : bool, default True If ``True``, repeated items are allowed in the system -- that is, the system can recommend items to users that they've already previously interacted with. no_new_items : bool, default False If ``True``, then no new items are created during these timesteps. This can be helpful, say, during a "training" period where no new items should be made. """ if len(self.metrics) == 0: # warn user if no measurements are defined error_msg = ( "No measurements are currently defined for the simulation. Please add " "measurements if desired." ) warnings.warn(error_msg) if not startup and self.is_verbose(): self.log("Running recommendation simulation using recommendation algorithm...") for timestep in tqdm(range(timesteps), disable=disable_tqdm): if self.is_verbose(): self.log(f"Step {timestep}") if self.creators is not None and not no_new_items: self.create_and_process_items() if self.expand_items_per_iter: # expand set of items recommended per iteration self.set_num_items_per_iter("all") self.items_shown = self.recommend( startup=startup, random_items_per_iter=random_items_per_iter, vary_random_items_per_iter=vary_random_items_per_iter, repeated_items=repeated_items, ) self.interactions = self.users.get_user_feedback(self.items_shown) if not repeated_items: self.indices[self.users.user_vector, self.interactions] = -1 self._update_internal_state(self.interactions) if self.is_verbose(): self.log("Recorded user interaction:\n" + str(self.interactions)) self.log( "System updates user profiles based on last interaction:\n" + str(self.users_hat) ) # update creators if any if self.creators is not None: self.creators.update_profiles(self.interactions, self.actual_item_attributes) # update users if needed if self.users.drift > 0: # update user profiles based on the attributes of items they # interacted with interact_attrs = self.actual_item_attributes.T[self.interactions, :] self.users.update_profiles(interact_attrs) # update user scores self.users.compute_user_scores(self.actual_item_attributes) # train between steps: if train_between_steps: self.train() # record state and compute metrics self.record_state() self.measure_content()
[docs] def startup_and_train(self, timesteps=50, no_new_items=False): """ Runs simulation in startup mode by calling :func:`run` with startup=True. For more information about startup mode, see :func:`run` and :func:`recommend`. Parameters ----------- timesteps : int, default 50 Number of timesteps for simulation no_new_items : bool, default False If ``True``, then no new items are created during these timesteps. This is only relevant when you have item :class:`~components.creators.Creators`. This can be helpful, say, during a "training" period where no new items should be made. """ if self.is_verbose(): self.log("Startup -- recommend random items"), startup=True, train_between_steps=False, no_new_items=no_new_items) self.train()
[docs] def create_and_process_items(self): """ Creates and processes items made by content creators """ # generate new items new_items = self.creators.generate_items() # should be A x I self.num_items += new_items.shape[1] # increment number of items # concatenate old items with new items self.items.append_new_items(new_items) # generate new internal system representations of the items new_items_hat = self.process_new_items(new_items) self.items_hat.append_new_items(new_items_hat) self.add_new_item_indices(new_items.shape[1]) # create new predicted scores if not in startup new_item_pred_score = self.score_fn(self.users_hat.value, new_items_hat) self.predicted_scores.append_item_scores(new_item_pred_score) # have users update their own scores too self.users.score_new_items(new_items)
[docs] def add_users(self, new_users, **kwargs): """ Create pool of new users Parameters ----------- new_users: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` An array representing users. Should be of dimension :math:`|U_n| \\times |A|`, where :math:`|U_n|` represents the number of new users, and :math:`|A|` represents the number of attributes for each user profile. **kwargs: Any additional information about users can be passed through `kwargs` (see ``) for an example. """ self.num_users += new_users.shape[0] # register new user profiles & new user-item scores self.users.append_new_users(new_users, self.items.value) # update predicted user profiles new_users_hat = self.process_new_users(new_users, **kwargs) self.users_hat.append_new_users(new_users_hat) self.add_new_user_indices(new_users.shape[0]) # create new predicted scores if not in startup new_item_pred_score = self.score_fn(new_users_hat, self.items_hat.value) self.predicted_scores.append_user_scores(new_item_pred_score)
[docs] def set_num_items_per_iter(self, num_items_per_iter): """Change the number of items that will be shown to each user per iteration. """ if num_items_per_iter == "all": self.num_items_per_iter = self.num_items self.expand_items_per_iter = True else: self.expand_items_per_iter = False self.num_items_per_iter = num_items_per_iter
[docs] def add_new_item_indices(self, num_new_items): """ Expands the indices matrix to include entries for new items that were created. Parameters ----------- num_new_items (int): The number of new items added to the system in this iteration """ num_existing_items = self.indices.shape[1] new_indices = num_existing_items + np.tile(np.arange(num_new_items), (self.num_users, 1)) self.indices = np.hstack([self.indices, new_indices])
[docs] def add_new_user_indices(self, num_new_users): """ Expands the indices matrix to include entries for new users that were created. Parameters ----------- num_new_users (int): The number of new items added to the system in this iteration """ new_indices = np.tile(np.arange(self.num_items), (num_new_users, 1)) self.indices = np.vstack([self.indices, new_indices])
[docs] def get_measurements(self): """ Returns all available measurements. For more details, please see the :class:`~metrics.measurement.Measurement` class. Returns -------- Monitored measurements: dict """ if len(self.metrics) < 1: return None measurements = dict() for metric in self.metrics: measurements = {**measurements, **metric.get_measurement()} if "timesteps" not in measurements: # pick first measurement's length for # of timesteps since they're # going to be the same elapsed = np.arange(self.metrics[0].get_timesteps()) measurements["timesteps"] = elapsed return measurements
[docs] def get_system_state(self): """ Return history of system state components stored in the :attr:`~base.base_components.BaseComponent.state_history` of the components stored in :attr:`.SystemStateModule._system_state`. Returns -------- System state: dict """ if len(self._system_state) < 1: raise ValueError("No measurement module defined") state = dict() for component in self._system_state: state = {**state, **component.get_component_state()} if "timesteps" not in state: # pick first measurement's length for # of timesteps since they're # going to be the same elapsed = np.arange(self._system_state[0].get_timesteps()) state["timesteps"] = elapsed # FIXME: this is needed because Users.actual_user_scores is initialized to None if ( "actual_user_scores" in state and "timesteps" in state and len(state["actual_user_scores"]) > len(state["timesteps"]) ): state["actual_user_scores"].pop(0) return state