Source code for trecs.random.generators

Wrappers for numpy.random.Generator and networkx random graph generators
import warnings
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np

[docs]class Generator(np.random.Generator): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Wrapper around :class:`numpy.random.Generator`. Please see the `Numpy documentation`_ for more details. .. _Numpy documentation: Parameters ----------- seed: int, optional bit_generator: :class:`numpy.random.BitGenerator`, optional :class:`numpy.random.BitGenerator`. Please see Numpy's `BitGenerator documentation`_ for more details. .. _BitGenerator documentation: """ def __init__(self, seed=None, bit_generator=None): """By default, initialize with a Generator that consumes a PCG64 bit generator """ if bit_generator is not None and seed is not None: warnings.warn("Seed has not been set. Please set seed in bit generator") if bit_generator is None: bit_generator = np.random.PCG64(np.random.SeedSequence(seed)) np.random.Generator.__init__(self, bit_generator)
[docs]class SocialGraphGenerator: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Thin wrapper around the `Networkx random graph generators`_. We use this static class to generate random network adjacency matrices. By default, it generates a `binomial graph`_, but it can generate any other random graph included in the Networkx API. Please refer to the Networkx documentation. .. _Networkx random graph generators: .. _binomial graph: """
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_random_graph(num, *args, **kwargs): """ **Note:** to change type of graph, please include the `graph_type` parameter. Parameters ----------- num: int Number of nodes in the graph. This is equivalent to the number of users in the system. Returns -------- Adjacency matrix: :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Size `|U|x|U|`. Raises ------- ValueError If `num` is not an integer. Examples ---------- A minimal use case: >>> from trecs.random import SocialGraphGenerator >>> num = 1000 # <-- number of nodes (users) >>> graph = SocialGraphGenerator.generate_random_graph(num=num) >>> graph # <-- 1000x1000 binomial adjacency matrix Changing random graph generator (e.g., with the `random_regular_graph`_): .. _random_regular_graph: >>> from networkx.generators.random_graphs import random_regular_graph >>> rrg = random_regular_graph >>> d = 30 # <-- degree, also required by random_regular_graph >>> graph = SocialGraphGenerator.generate_random_graph(num=num, d=d, graph_type=rrg) """ if not isinstance(num, int): raise ValueError("num must be an integer") graph_type = kwargs.pop("graph_type", None) if graph_type is None: graph_type = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph kwargs["p"] = 0.5 graph = graph_type(n=num, *args, **kwargs) return nx.convert_matrix.to_numpy_array(graph)